feb.17.2025 happy ymyl day!

Hello peeps!

Thought I'd give y'all an update on where I'm at in terms of life. Now I can happily say that I have finally settled into my new house! It still a bit of a box fort as of late but I can reassure you that I now have a definite date on when I can start back again on my motion projects! Which will either April or May, determining on other house-related fixtures and new-licks of paint we can hope to achieve across the Easter holidays.

Either way, I know some of you may be wondering about the title of this entry. But I can reassure you that this is the reason why. On this day, 11 years ago, Wisebuddah and Bauer Media launched their first "Your Music, Your Life" imaging production across 16 stations across North England and Scotland! Whilst it got a lot of negative reception during the first few weeks, most people did eventually warm up to the new sound of the then known "Bauer Place". Now in 2025, the production has grown a small, yet heavily ambitious cult following thanks to yours truly, with most users inside the logo community rediscovering this era of jingles and archiving / producing visual idents out of 'em. It's oddly inspiring how, despite the era's obscurity and age, it still has a sort of impact within the radio / logo community after an entire decade. Now, I would've had a video put out today of some of the remaining idents I've done for Project: Neue-Flower a few years back (in varing audio quality), but again, PC is still in the shop unfortunately.

So yeah, all I can say for now is a major thanks to everyone who's been sticking with me during all of this time, despite a lack of nothing produced over the past year. The road of re-blooming is nigh, but we're coming close to the end of this wild moving journey!

That's all for now. See you all soon!

jan.4.2025 the neue-year struggles

The new years have begun!

Corks popped, the plates are cleaned out, trees are being packed away and I'm currently stuck with a devistating cough... it's like 2024, is literally out to get the last wrangle of me before it fades away. Yup, if you haven't been keeping up with me on Discord. I went on a little trip to West Norfolk to visit my grandparents and came back with a little something more than a 8 pack of creme eggs and some sprite. The common cold. Started on the 31st and it has refused to go away since. It's slowing down now, but I doubt it'll stay for any longer than a week after publishing this entry.

Coughing aside, I just hope that this year turns around for me eventually. Especially since I now have some smaller projects that I can finally work on in my leisure time to prepare for Neue-Flower's return. I think I might want to have a try at animation this year with Adobe Animate.

Oh yeah! That reminds me. Starting this summer, I'm going to potentially plan an all new design for this website. Yep! This website is getting the glow-up that it deserves. New look, new pages, new content and maybe some flash functionality in there somehow! I can't show much yet cause the design's still in its infancy, but I cannot wait to start working on it! So, expect to see some small, but marginal changes occuring throughout the summer of 2025.

That's all for now. Happy New Year everybody!

dec.16.2024 merry merrymas, merrybody!

Yeah, this'll be a short one.

As you can expect from any university student, the Christmas season is always not a good thing to look forward to. It's especially harder when you have 2 assignments due the week you come back. So apart from writing up this blog entry, I'm doing my best to juggle both things to the best of my ability. But hey, developing an application has been more fun than I anticipated... ish...

At least Cadbury's Creme Eggs are now back in season. Yeah, the only good thing that happened last week was me walking into my local convinience shop and finding out that they're starting to sell Creme Eggs again. (I always thought they were a Janurary thing... huh) So, as usual, I picked up a few to quench that summer Creme-Egg thurst and they were as good as I expected.

Yeah, but apart from that, nothing back from Bauer still. I guess since the christmas rush is still going on, January would seem be a better time to ask. But for now, my world has been keeping me sane and productive.

That's all for now. Check in with ya later!

dec.05.2024 joy-us no-well, or however you say it...

Happy Holidays, people!

This may be my last entry for a while, mostly because of all the assignments that my uni has been putting on me, which has left me 0 time to work on anything else. As usual... but I've recently gotten back into my LEGO hobby, as it seems to be a part of my annual hyperfix of the damn thing, so that's been really fun!!!!!!!!!!

Either way, that Project: Neue-Flower thing I teased last week? I still haven't heard back from the representative and it looks like it could be quite a while (maybe next week or the week after) until I hear back from them. And it has been an absolutely dreading wait, since I've been waiting for over a month for the email back with the jingles and whatnot. I sent that thing on like... what, Nov. 1st? and apart from a little return back on the 21st, there has been literally nothing since. I know good things comes to those who wait, but those who wait over a month for 16 jingles is a bit too long of a wait, ngl. I just hope that they can get back to me as soon as possible so I can have something to work on in the new year...

Apart from that. I've been doing quite well. Work is good. Homelife has been good. All is good. If you wanna keep up with my ongoings, you know where to find me. Discord, Twitter... maybe even Bluesky in the foreseeable future? I dunno, I've been kinda on the fence about it...

But until then, that's all for now. Arrivederci!

nov.28.2024 welcome to my blog!

Heya people!

Sorry 'bout the lack of updates to this site, this year's been quite a hectic banooza since this summer. Our old house got sold, I got stuck with my grandparents (not like that's a bad thing, they're really sweet) and my PC got put in storage, which meant that all motion work reguarding "Project: Neue-Flower" and many others I had planned for E4, Galaxy and Dasding have been put on hold.

That doesn't mean that I haven't been busy! I've been spending most of the time over the summer working on my art and logos for future smaller projects and idents that'll hopefully take less time to complete than most of my other main projects, like little tasters for other brands. The only reason why I have yet to put that up yet is cause I've been quite busy with other irl stuff, like University and home life. Y'know... normal human stuff.

A-anyway, I do also have some other news worth discussing. Project: Neue-Flower's overall results have been overwhelmingly positive! Despite making quite little progress over the past few months I'm really happy with the overall reception and result of this massive passion project that I've been working on for the past year. With this, I decided that for the new year, I'm hoping to create a PNF Batch 3 video containing 16 variants of the one jingle that started it all! I'm hoping to hear back from a representive from Bauer in a few days/weeks to negotiate something, but until then, I cannot wait to hop back on this project, and I'm sure that you can't wait to see what I have planned too!

So, as of now, this is all I currently have on my plate. University assignments are slowly starting to pile up, Christmas is on the way, preperations for potentially moving in by the start of the year are tense, and a bunch of other irl events has got me looking forward to the new year! If you wanna keep up to date with my ongoings, keep up with me on Discord!

Until then, I'll see you later!